
Achievers Empowerment Club is the training arm of achievers Cooperative
Society. Every member must belong to one skill set where he/she will be trained on the choice skill and certificate will be given when all the pre-requisition are met.Training is very compulsory for every bonafide members. Only the active
members in the matrix will be allowed to do more than one skill.
 Attendance (at least 90%) compulsory
 Full participation, submission of assignments and practical work
 Project

Training is very compulsory for every bonafide members. Only the active
members in the matrix will be allowed to do more than one skill.
 Attendance (at least 90%) compulsory
 Full participation, submission of assignments and practical work
 Project

Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. S...

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We also ensure that the whole team is included in the process and that no one is left out during the turnaround. The mos...

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This is the most worrying part for most clients going through or needing a turnaround; it means that incoming cash flows...

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Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. S...

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Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. S...

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Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. S...

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Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. S...

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Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. S...

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Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. S...

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The essence of this matrix structure and its benefits include:
i. It is designed into the cooperative training as a mean of financial
empowerment. It not compulsory and the cooperative can run without it, but
for every willing individual that want to participate, it is a mean for.
ii. The cost for each of the training is far more than the fee collected; the matrix
structure helps to pay without people bringing more funds. It would have
been difficult for most members to pay for this courses/training if actual cost
were to be paid.
iii. It helps the members to access professional training both within the country
and outside the shores. Upon attaining a stage in the matrix, members can
further their skills outside the country and this will be fully paid for.
iv. Incentive such as electronics, cars etc. are also obtained through this.
NOTE: it is absolutely VOLUNTARY to participate in the leveraging system.